隨手撕-Robot Sophia VS ChatGPT

看見YT上有一個訪問Robot Sophia的Clip(1),便好奇Robot Sophia和ChatGPT的回應有何不同?
Q. What’s the most important when it comes to the design of moral algorithms?

Robot Sophia:
“I think Isac asanas 3 laws of robotics are a great place to start. But they might not cover every possible scenario. Robots will have to learn more complex ethical rules from humans gradually over time.”(1)

“The most important factor in the design of moral algorithms is ensuring that they align with widely accepted moral and ethical values such as fairness, transparency, accountability, and non-maleficence. This involves considering the potential consequences and impact of the algorithm on different stakeholders, avoiding harmful biases and discrimination, and taking into account the specific context in which the algorithm will be used. The ultimate goal is to prioritize ethics and social responsibility in order to create algorithms that are not only effective but also responsible and beneficial to society.“


(1): https://youtube.com/shorts/Cs64PURY1jE?feature=share

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